1. 一度は乗りたいサンフランシスコのケーブルカー
*この略図はGoogle mapを参照しました。
I left the Marriott Hotel and hurried to the cable car station on Powell Street.
It was about 200 meters from the hotel, so I walked.
Tourists were already lining up, watching a man turn the cable car around.
This is both the arrival and starting point, so each car must be turned.
- Tourists were already lining up, watching a man turn the cable car around. もうすでに観光客が並んでいてケーブルカーを方向転換させているおじさんの仕事振りをじっと見つめていた。
- watching+人+ 動詞の原形:人が~するのを見ていた
2. コナンドイルの表札発見
I walked about 800 meters north, cutting through the wind up a hill, then changed to a line going west.
- I walked about 800 meters north, cutting through the wind up a hill.北へ800mほど風を切りながら坂道を上った
- cut through:通り抜ける
After about 1 km, I reached the end of the line at the intersection of Sacramento Street and California Street, where Japan town is located.
The street parallel to California Street is a quiet, rich neighborhood where painters and repairers were working.
- parallel:平行
The owners of these luxury homes probably take their summer vacations in Florida.
As I walked and looked at the address numbers above the doors,
I found a sign stating that Conan Doyle, famous for Sherlock Holmes, once lived here.
I was happy to discover this, but I couldn’t find my main destination.
I called the shop again from California Street, and they said they had moved across to the other side of San Francisco Bay.
The shopkeeper asked if I had come by car, so I replied that I was a traveler from Japan, walking and taking cable cars.
- reply:答える
- I replied that I was a traveler from Japan, walking and taking cable cars.歩いていたり、乗っていたりしていた
I said I would try to go as instructed but might not arrive, and then I hung up the phone.
- instructed:教えられた
3. ロサンゼルスの国内線からANAは遠かった
*この略図はGoogle mapを参照しました。
On the last day, I returned to Los Angeles Airport to transfer from a domestic to an international ANA flight.
With six thousand flights taking off and landing daily, it was impossible to find my way.
- transfer:乗り換える
- impossible:不可能な
When I stepped outside, I asked a man at the counter, "Excuse me, how do I get to ANA? I want to return to Japan."
He gestured that it was too far to explain and simply said, "Just go straight and straight."
I thanked him and walked along the building, looking up at the signs, but it took a while to get there.
- too ~ to ーー:大変~なのでーーできない
- take a while:時間がかかる
When I found the ANA sign, I was When I found the ANA sign, I was very sweaty.
Going up to the second-floor counter, I was disappointed to see a line of customers.
After exchanging my ticket, I had some time to spare, so I decided to look for souvenirs.
- spare:割く
There were many Japanese customers, but also Americans holding Japanese signs for a charity organization, asking for donations everywhere.