「高校入試おすすめ対話文」の成功法則: 受験生のための道案内から環境問題などの9会話






Sara, we are going to study English conversation from now.


How can we study it?(どんなふうにやるのですか。)

We have a conversation using English cards that I made for some topics.


  • using English cards:現在分詞の用法で~しながら

I think I can do it.(それならできると思います。)



Where is the train station?(列車の駅はどこですか?)

Go straight to the second block, and turn left there. You will see it on the right side soon.


How far is it from here?(どのくらいの距離ですか。)


What are you looking for?(何を探しているのですか?)

I am looking for the famous restaurant.(有名なレストランです。)

Turn back to the second traffic light and turn left.(2番目の信号まで戻って左に曲がってください。)It’s next to the shopping mall.(ショッピング モールの隣にあります。)

next to:~の隣


May I ask you some questions?(いくつか質問していいですか。)


How can I get to the Imperial Palace?(皇居はどう行けばよいですか。)

Go straight about 1kilometer. I think it takes 15 minutes on foot.


  • it takes :~時間が~かかる
  • on foot:徒歩で


Gould you tell me how to get to the Tokyo station?(東京駅までの行き方を教えて下さい。)

Please, take this train to Shibuya station and transfer to Yamanote Line. So you can get there.


  • take ~ to—:~に乗って—まで行く
  • transfer=change:乗り換える



Where are you going to go?(お前たちはどこへいくつもり?)

We are going to Hokkaido to go camping with our baseball team.


  • go camping:キャンプに行く
  • go hiking:ハイキングに行く
  • go fishing :釣りに行く


Let’s go camping to Hakone with my family. (家族で箱根にキャンプに行こう。)

Are there any campgrounds in Hakone? I would like to stay at the hotel.


  • would like to :wantの丁寧語

Why don’t we set up camp near the lake?


Looking up at the night sky is wonderful, isn’t it?


  • looking up:見上げること(動名詞)


  • isn’t it:~だね:付加疑問文といって念をおしたり、質問したりする疑問文です。主語や助動詞、動詞によってisn’t it が変化します。
  • You are a teacher. ⇒ You are a teacher, aren’t you?
  • She can play the violin very well. ⇒ She can play the violin very well, can’t she?
  • He studies English every day. ⇒ He studies English every day, doesn’t he? 



What would you like?(何になさいますか。)

I’d like a hamburger and pizza, please.(ハンバーガーとピザをお願いします。)

Would you like something to drink?(何か飲み物はいかがですか。)

  • 熱い飲み物:something hot to drink *hotの位置に注意

Apple juice, please.(アップルジュースをお願いします。)

Is everything okay? Enjoy your meal.



What kind of movies do you want to watch ?(どんな映画みたいの。)

I want to watch popular movies, especially Draemon.


What’s interesting about this movie?


I think the story is comical and heartwarming.



May I help you?(いらっしゃいませ。)

I am looking for a red small coat and expensive one.


Which would you prefer this one or that one?


I prefer that one. But I can’t decide it yet. Could you show me another one, please?


Certainly. How is this?(かしこまりました。こちらはいかがでしょう。)

I’ll take this .(これをください。)

6. 電話での会話


Hello, this is YU. May I speak to Tom? (こんにちは、ユウです。トム君いますか。)

Sorry, but he is out now. Could you call him later? 


Yes. Could you tell him that I called? By the way, when will he be back home? 


  • that I called : 私が電話をかけたこと:thatは接続詞です

Probably he’ll be back in a few hours. (おそらく2,3時間したら戻るでしょう。)

  • in a few hours:2,3時間たつと

Thank you. (ありがとうございます。)

You ‘re welcome.(どういたしまして。)


Hello, this is YUU’s father speaking. (こんにちは、ユウの父です。)

Hi, my name is Mary. I’ll visit your home in Japan as an exchange student. Is YU in ? 


He is here. I’ll get YU.(ここにいますよ、かわります。)

Hello, this is YUU. Are you Mary? I’m looking forward to seeing you.


  • be looking forward to ~ing :~することを楽しみにしています。

Me, too. I’m interested in Japanese culture and Japanese food, such as noodle and sushi.


OK, I’ll take you there with my family. I hope you like it. (OK、僕の家族と一緒に行こう。気に入るといいな。)

  • take+人+to~(here, there):人を~に連れていく:here,thereの場合はtoは使いません。

7. 人間活動による地球への影響

I think the earth has been damaged by human activities ,such as damage to animals, collapse of houses and flooding of rivers due to typhoons and hurricanes and so on.


  • the earth has been damaged: have (has)+been+過去分詞(現在完了の受動態):今も~されている

I think so, too. According to the TV news, it seems that increase in carbon dioxide has been damaging the earth.


  • increase in carbon dioxide has been damaging the earth.
  • has + been + 動詞の~ingで現在完了進行形です。今もずっと~しています

How can we protect this earth from human activities?


  • protect ~ from—:~をーーーから守る

First, we have to decrease carbon dioxide emissions.

Second, we must not illegally dump large amounts of plastic and garbage.


  • decreaseの反対語:increase 増加する
  • illegallyの反対語:legally 合法的に

8. 外国語を学ぶ

Do you think it is necessary to learn foreign languages?


I think it is necessary for me to learn English at least.


Why do you think so ?(なぜそう思うのですか。)

Because I want to know foreigner’s way of thinking and communicates with them.


What about learning foreign cultures ?(外国の文化を学ぶのはどうですか。)

I’m especially interested in English cultures.(特に英国文化に興味を持っています。)

9. スマホ&PC

I hear most of the Japanese students have been playing games on smartphone and pc. Is it really?


I don’t think so. Some students looked up graphs and statistics and looked up English words on smartphone and pc. They are very helpful.


I don’t agree with you. They spend most of their time playing games, I think.


  • They spend most of their time playing games.:playingは動名詞でゲームをすること

It may be right.(そうかも。)

10. まとめ




  • on the right side (右側に)
  • look for(探す)、famous(有名な)
  • at the second traffic light(2番目の信号のところで)
  • take(時間がかかる)、on foot(徒歩で)
  • go camping(キャンプに行く)、go~ingで~しに行く
  • would like to (~したい)wantの丁寧な言葉
  • something to drink(飲み物)、語順に注意:somthing hot to drink
  • expensive(値段の高い)、反対語:cheap、inexpensive
  • prefer(好む)、近い単語:like
  • probably(おそらく)
  • in a few hours(2、3時間で)
  • look forward to ~ing(~するのを楽しみにして待つ)
  • such as(~のような、例えば)
  • due to(~のために)
  • increase(増加する)反対語:decrease
  • carbon dioxide(二酸化炭素)
  • protect A from B (AをBから守る)
  • illegally(不法に)、dump(投棄する)
  • at least(少なくとも)、way of thinking(考え方)
  • have been playing(ずっと~している)現在完了進行形で継続を意味する
  • agree with(賛成する)